Our documentary film ‘A Visit with Dr. Phil’ is available for rental for individual and institutional purposes!
Individual Rental
$8 CAD will give you a 24 hour period to stream the film!
Group Rental
If you are renting for schools, institutions, or larger groups, contact Loïk Raymond at experiences@msbm.mb.ca for group options and pricing.
2021 | 66min | documentary | Winnipeg, MB, Canada
The St. Boniface Museum is situated in the largest oak log structure in North America and houses an impressive collection of artifacts. With a national reputation for its Louis Riel exhibit, thousands of people visit every year to celebrate and better understand how Canada’s fifth province entered Confederation.
A Visit with Dr. Phil captures historian Philippe Mailhot, Ph.D., inside the museum where he previously researched and worked for well over 30 years. From his privileged vantage point as former Director of the St. Boniface Museum, he’s got quite a few stories to tell.
We asked him the most popular questions about Francophone and Métis history, and he answered them in his famous and beloved ‘Dr. Phil’ storytelling way…
Presented by Le Musée de Saint-Boniface Museum, in collaboration with Philippe Mailhot, Ph.D.
Year: 2021
Language: English
Length: 66min
Production Location:
Winnipeg, MB
Genre: Documentary
Production Company:
Frank Digital